by John Anderson I (Peck) have been a proponent of taking preaching seriously for many years. Advancing in homiletics skill also means advancing in homiletics planning, and the sermon series has real value to the congregation whose needs are known … [Continue reading]
Why Preachers, Priests & Leaders Need To Be Online
by Albert Mohler If you are not present on the Internet, you simply do not exist, as far as anyone under thirty is concerned…[the digital world] is one of the most important arenas of leadership our generation will ever experience. If you are … [Continue reading]
Religion From The Bottom Up
By Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon Fr. Patrick, in his succinct and typically charming manner, shows us just what happens when you invent your own worship. “We have seen the True Light,” we sing each Sunday in the Orthodox Church. At the very least, this … [Continue reading]
Time and Eternity in Orthodox Worship
by Dr. Jane M. deVyver These few words are offered to help people in general to have a better understanding of what Orthodox liturgical practices are supposed to convey and why. In particular, comments are directed towards Orthodox cantors, singers … [Continue reading]
Take the Kids to Church
Based on new studies conducted by Baylor University, children from more religious families and from families with higher rates of religious attendance are better behaved and more well adjusted at home and at school. Better educated people generally … [Continue reading]
The Objective Danger of Holiness
by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon One of the stories that have proved troubling to students of Holy Scripture over the years is the account of Uzzah, who stretched forth his hand to steady the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark, we recall, was being carried by … [Continue reading]
Coming To Trust The Liturgy
From the author of the First Lights Blog A couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation with an old friend about my spiritual journey. We had attended church together at a contemporary evangelical charismatic Protestant church as college … [Continue reading]
Spiritual Preparedness for the Christian Prepper
"If you wish to gain victory over your thoughts, attend to your passions; whereupon you will easily banish your thoughts from your mind. To be precise - When you are bothered by thoughts of fornication, you should fast, keep vigil, toil and avoid … [Continue reading]
Gun Control & Genocide
Why do I consider the topic of gun control to be a moral, rather than a political, issue? Because genocide IS a moral issue, and gun control advances have a reliably distinct pattern in history of leading to restriction of freedoms, tyranny and … [Continue reading]
“Americans, Never Give Up Your Guns”
A Plea From Russia from Pravda, of all places, where Stanislav Mishin writes: While President Putin pushes through reforms, the local authorities, especially in our vast hinterland, do not feel they need to act like they work for the people. They … [Continue reading]