by Thomas Sowell Some have said that we are living in a post-industrial era, while others have said that we are living in a post-racial era. But growing evidence suggests that we are living in a post-thinking era. Many people in Europe and the Western Hemisphere are staging angry protests against Israel’s military action in Gaza. […]
The Best Church For American Christianity In Exile
By Rod Dreher Carl Trueman states plainly what many of us American Christians see: that we are living through the sending of the Church into internal exile. Excerpt: We live in a time of exile. At least those of us do who hold to traditional Christian beliefs. The strident rhetoric of scientism has made belief in the […]
IRS Strikes Deal With Atheist Group to Monitor Content of Sermons
We could just support the church with virtuous industry, rather than languish as non-profits under totalitarian scrutiny. The next time your pastor delivers a pro-life sermon or urges the congregation to stand up for pro-life values in the political or public arena, he could be taken to task by the IRS. Alliance Defending Freedom asked the […]
Remember God. Correct the course of your nation. Save the world. Blessed is the nations whose God is THE LORD. – Psalm 33:12
A Cold Age
by Fr. Lawrence Farley One of the benefits of reading history is that it enables one to compare one’s own era with other eras, and so identify the blind spots of former times and as well as the blind spots of one’s own time. As C.S. Lewis once pointed out (in his essay On the Reading […]
Why Church?
by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) Many people who rarely attend church have a kind of consumer’s attitude towards church. They come to church, for instance, before a long trip – to light a candle just for the sake of it, so that nothing would happen on the road. They come for two or three minutes, hurriedly […]
Welsh Church Uncovers Medieval Iconography
Although they seem to have forgotten the word, this is obviously iconography in a Welsh Church, in the Medieval European style – Orthodoxy in the life blood of Welsh churches. Built on the site of a 7th century monastery and founded around 1200, St Cadoc’s in Llancarfan, Vale of Glamorgan is, from the outside, just another beautiful […]
The Pentagon’s 6 Steps To Combat A Zombie Apocalypse
More on the Pentagon plan in the event of a Zombie Outbreak. It’s actually a good exercise, and a good way to think about disaster preparations. Plus, it’s just fun. United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) has a detailed plan that outlines how the military should respond to a zombie apocalypse, Gordon Lubold reports for Foreign […]
What Greenies & Scientists Are Saying About Climate Change/ Global Warming
by Kyle Becker The following are 23 news stories from a variety of sources that everyone should consider before the avalanche of “go green” stories that will be unveiled on Earth Day – in the media and in our kids’ schools. Whether or not one wants to promote the perfectly fine goal of fostering a […]
The Birth Of Freedom
Every Lent my family watches Cecil B. DeMille’s cinematic masterpiece The Ten Commandments. I’m sure we are not the only ones! It is a film which has brought into high relief the Biblical themes portrayed in Exodus. I’m particularly fond of it because it is clear DeMille uses the Septuagint Old Testament (as used by […]