Jesus is the Lord of quantum mechanics, and He created the space-time continuum. Physical barriers and geographical distances are not obstacles for Him. He can instantly transport people (and their prayers) to any location in the universe, without even breaking a sweat.
The Difference Between Orthodox Spirituality and Other Traditions
by Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos Orthodox spirituality differs distinctly from any other “spirituality” of an eastern or western type. There can be no confusion among the various spiritualities, because Orthodox spirituality is God-centered, whereas all others are man-centered. The difference appears primarily in the doctrinal teaching. For this reason we put “Orthodox” before the word “Church” […]
Muslim Man Beheads Two New Jersey Christians
By Jeff Pegues, WABC Random murders? Jihad? The police aren’t revealing any motive at this time, but the fact that some believe it may have “had something to do with the victims’ religion” points to the latter … There’s a gruesome double murder mystery in New Jersey. Police say who did it is not a […]
Are You Part of the Problem, or Are You Part of the Solution? An Interview with Fr. Robert Taft
by Dcn. Andrei Psarev The legacy of Archimandrite Robert Taft S.J. is so significant that no one who is seriously interested in the evolution of the Divine Liturgy can afford to ignore it. In his interview the esteemed scholar, indeed, the “patriarch” of Byzantine liturgical studies, tells us about his life-long relations with representatives of the […]
The West Has Betrayed Christianity, Russia Will Save It – Orthodox Church Official
Countries of the “Russian world” are capable of changing the globe within ten years, believes top cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church Vsevolod Chaplin. By the “Russian world” he means states with a historically strong tradition of Orthodox Christianity which, apart from Russia, include Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, Romania and several others. “Our Orthodox civilization may […]
On Those Orthodox Christians Who Support Abortion and Sodomy
by Fr. Thomas Hopko “In Orthodoxy, communicants in the sacramental mysteries are not only obliged to be steadfast in the Christian faith and perpetually repentant over their failures, they are also obliged to take full responsibility for the Church’s teachings and practices, and to be ready, at least in intention, to defend them unto death. […]
Returning To The Eucharistic Liturgy in Ancient House Churches
by Gabe Martini Many evangelical groups today are proposing that we abandon “traditional” models of “being the Church,” and instead replace that stodginess with what is presumably a more “New Testament” model: that of the “house church” or “cell church.” Essentially, they are promoting that the local Church be a de-centralized assembly, meeting […]
In Defense of the Christmas Tree
by Fr. Daniel Daly Several years ago during the Christmas season, a religious program on television caught my attention. The program featured a discussion on the dangers of cults, especially to young people. I found myself agreeing with the panelists as they warned young people about the hazards of involvement in occult or “new age” […]
Hastings, History and A Return to the Faith of English Kings
From Orthodox Christianity & the English Tradition: Hastings – 1066-1993 ‘King Harold was slain, and Leofwine and Gyrth, his brothers, and many good men. This battle took place on the feast of St. Callistus.’ The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Accompanied by Malcolm Dunstall, I made a private visit to the site of the Battle of Hastings on […]
‘Fr. John’s Last Flight’
When I was preparing to depart the lower 48 for Alaska to finally attend seminary, after a decade and a half wait, my cousin Bob made a poster for me out of pen and ink. It was a picture of a Cessna aircraft (my uncle is a pilot), and the title, I thought, was very […]