Learn how reformation 'theories' of atonement fail... and the proper and Biblical understanding of our salvation. Orthodoxy - often imitated, never duplicated. This is a worthy explanation. Thanks Steve! … [Continue reading]
D. Min. Distance Learning Program Applications Being Accepted
Finally a program for advanced homiletics study at an Orthodox institution. This is your chance. If you take preaching seriously, you should seriously read this and consider an application. St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary here is now … [Continue reading]
What Greenies & Scientists Are Saying About Climate Change/ Global Warming
by Kyle Becker The following are 23 news stories from a variety of sources that everyone should consider before the avalanche of “go green” stories that will be unveiled on Earth Day – in the media and in our kids’ schools. Whether or not one … [Continue reading]
Repentance: No Heaven Without It
No one refusing to repent of sin - be it sodomy or fornication or anything else - will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). Repent while there is still time. … [Continue reading]
Do You Love Someone With Depression?
This article is geared towards 'partners', but applies equally well to any loved one who struggles with depression. Since most people feel powerless to help (and therefore do nothing), I thought these suggestions were excellent. from the blog, The … [Continue reading]
Belfries to be Erected on the Sites of Churches Demolished During the 20th Century
Throughout Bright week, Paschal (Easter) celebrations will take place in Moscow, organized with participation of the city administration. Pedestrian areas, central squares and parks will become the main sites for festivities, reports Patriarchia.ru. … [Continue reading]
Whose Side Is God On Now?
By Patrick J. Buchanan In his Kremlin defense of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Vladimir Putin, even before he began listing the battles where Russian blood had been shed on Crimean soil, spoke of an older deeper bond. Crimea, said Putin, “is … [Continue reading]
90% of Americans with Greek Roots No Longer in Communion with Greek Church
How did this happen? By design of course. This is the result of poor vision and misguided policy. Preach and teach the Gospel of Christ or you fade into obscurity and irrelevance. Some are now predicting the GOA will soon be nearly extinct unless … [Continue reading]
When Did Military Bases Become ‘Gun-Free Zones’?
In light of today's horrible attack on U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood, I'm posting this. Some of us know the answer. If you don't, here you go. I say, it is time to go back to arming our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines on U.S. bases, and allowing … [Continue reading]
Is the Veneration of the Cross Idolatry?
by Fr. John Whiteford Another grand slam from the Bible - from Fr. John's "Stump the Priest" column Question: How would you answer a Protestant who considered our veneration of the Cross (bowing down before it and kissing it) to be idolatry? First … [Continue reading]