By Scott Stump If you want to increase the odds of having a marriage that doesn’t end in divorce, just make more than $50,000 a year, go to church more often and date for at least three years before you decide to tie the knot. Read the article here
The 2014 New Testament Challenge
by Fr. John A. Peck Beginning Nov. 15th (that is, in just a few weeks at the beginning of the Advent/Nativity Fast), we will once again be embarking on our annual challenge event to read through the entire New Testament (aloud) by Christmas! This is a great endeavor and exercise and you should join it! […]
From Catholic to Orthodox?
by Rod Dreher The conservative Catholic writer John Zmirak says that Pope Francis and his allies in Rome are playing with fire in their attempts to liberalize Catholic practice on divorced Catholics receiving communion. What they could end up doing is inadvertently making the ecclesiological case for Orthodoxy. Excerpt: If the pope permits divorced couples […]
What Ended The Great Depression?
by Stephen Moore “What is history but a fable agreed upon?” as Napoleon once put it, and never has that been more true than the story of the Great Depression and its aftermath. With liberals again pitching more government spending “stimulus” in Washington, it’s critical we get this history right. In a previous column I […]
Idaho City Threatens to Arrest Ministers Who Refuse to Perform Same-Sex Weddings
“The other side insisted this would never happen – that pastors would not have to perform same-sex marriages,” Tedesco told me. “The reality is – it’s already happening.”
ISIS Causing Iraqis to Turn to Christ at “Stunning Pace”
Working in northern Iraq’s Kurdish region day and night to help meet the needs of people displaced by the threats and violence of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Mosul and other areas, members of an Iraqi ministry team recently came into contact with a colonel from the Kurdish forces battling ISIS. The colonel was serving […]
Religion vs. Liberty?
by Fr. Hans Jacobse “Only Christianity can tolerate liberty.”
Why Silencing Christians Will Continue
by The Rev. James V. Schall, S. J. The number of subjects we cannot talk about in public discourse are rapidly multiplying. The older notion of “free speech” as a search for the truth through reasonable argument is being replaced. We no longer want to hear speech if it “offends” someone’s feelings or self-defined identity. […]
Cleanliness May Actually Be Next To Godliness!
Looks like Wesley was right all along! A simple spritz of a fresh-smelling window cleaner made people more fair and generous in a new study. The researchers figure cleanliness fosters morality.
Tomorrow is like Any Other Day
Tomorrow is the last day of National Preparedness Month. It is also the date of America’s Preparathon. If you’re not early, you’re late. Enjoy the video.