Russian President Vladimir Putin called on the country to completely supply itself with foodstuffs by 2020. Russia could become the largest world supplier of ecologically clean and high-quality foodstuffs, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. “We are not only able to feed ourselves taking into account our lands, water resources – Russia is able to become […]
Our Times, the Future of Russia, and The End of the World
by Fr. Seraphim Rose Every Orthodox Christian is placed between two worlds: this fallen world where we try to work out our salvation, and the other world, heaven, the homeland towards which we are striving and which, if we are leading a true Christian life, gives us the inspiration to live from day to day […]
Atheism in Decline and will be Defeated by Faith, says Oxford Professor
by Harry Farley And you know what atheists do, historically, when they are losing. Atheism is in decline and will be trumped by faith, the professor of science and religion at the University of Oxford has said. Professor Alister McGrath made his predictions during the annual Parchman Lectures at Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary, the […]
Terrorism is Satanism
by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) On November 20, 2015, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations (DECR), addressed the united session of the Federation Council and the State Duma devoted to problems involved in the struggle against terrorism. Met. Hilarion, emphasized that the perpetrators of these heinous acts are not […]
People Who Say Climate Change is Worse than Terrorism are Dangerous Liars
by James Delingpole Sorry, conservatives: when President Obama describes climate change as the greatest threat we face, he’s exactly right. Terrorism can’t and won’t destroy our civilization, but global warming could and might. Paul Krugman, Nobel prizewinning economist, public intellectual; New York Times columnist The thing I love about Paul Krugman is that he’s such […]
Down in the River to Pray
As I went down in the river to prayStudying about that good ol’ wayAnd who shall wear the starry crown?Good Lord, show me the way!
“Americans for Natural Marriage are Confessors for the Faith”
According to Patriarch Kirill, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Christians who stand for the ancient traditions of their faith are becoming “Confessors of the Faith,” in the mold of the mutilated and exiled St. Maximos (+662 AD). Kirill met with famous American Evangelical leader Franklin Graham last week, with whom he shared his admiration for […]
Redemption and Salvation in the Book of Tobit
A Sermon by Fr. John A. Peck The Book of Tobit is an astonishing book. It is a part of the Septuagint Old Testament, and therefore only in Orthodox and Roman Catholic Bibles. Until 1929, it was included in Protestant Bibles (in the section called “apocrypha” or “hidden things.” I don’t know why they thought […]
Met. Joseph: Archpastoral Directive On So-Called Same-Sex Marriage
Excerpt: Based…upon natural creation, even as our Lord Jesus Christ did as reported in the holy Gospels…the Church recognizes the word, “marriage,” as designating only one datum: the fleshly union of one man and one woman, “just as Adam and Eve in the beginning of the world” (ancient betrothal, Service of Matrimony) in an exclusive […]
To Start With Glory
Metropolitan Kallistos Ware – The Inner Meaning of The Divine Liturgy (p1) Let’s start with glory.