One would hardly know it from the lack of media coverage in the United States, but violent clashes between police and protesters have been erupting in Kiev, Ukraine this week. All of this, however, was at least temporarily brought to an end when the … [Continue reading]
“The Lord Showed Me the Way In the Afternoon of my Life”
It's never too late to obey your conscience. Mikhail Kalashnikov, designer of the legendary AK-47 assault rifle, turned to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the months before his death to express remorse for those killed by his … [Continue reading]
Why So Much Hostility To Christianity?
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." - George Orwell … [Continue reading]
Spirituality May Build Resilience Against Depression by Toughening the Brain, Study Suggests
Want a bigger, better, healthier brain? Get serious about your spirituality and avoid the 'I'm spiritual but not religious' canard, which statistically leads to a higher instance of mental problems. True theology and praxis really is therapeutic, … [Continue reading]
If God’s Natural State Is To Be Alone
by Gary Catell, the Willard Preacher If God is one person/one God as the Jews and Muslims believe, then his natural state is to be alone. This being the case, the question arises as to whether or not in his natural state he has the capability of … [Continue reading]
Happy Theophany!
Christ is baptized in the Jordan! And we with Him! May God richly bless you on this holy feast of the Lord's baptism. … [Continue reading]
On Beggars
by St. John Chrysostom They sit there all day long, preparing a medicine of salvation for you. … [Continue reading]
Preparing For A Winter Storm
Proper prior planning prevents poor performance. With bone chilling cold plaguing much of the nation, here's a quick reminder of things to help you out in case things get rough. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. For … [Continue reading]
Origin of the Word “Goodbye”
As we are about to embark on a New Year, and say "Goodbye" to the old, I thought this article was most appropriate. God be with you! Few people are aware that the origin of the farewell greeting "goodbye" has its origin in a parting prayer: "God … [Continue reading]
Christianity & Socialism
by the New Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky) [+1928] Note: This was a pamphlet St. Hilarion published in the intervening years between the failed 1905 Revolution and the unhappy 1917 Revolution. It was prophetic then; it is prophetic now. Will men of … [Continue reading]