The crisis in Venezuela continues to spiral out of control as the nation’s socialist policies come home to roost. Here are the statistics. In February 2015, there was an 80-90% shortage rate of milk (powdered and liquid), margarine, butter, sugar, beef, chicken, pasta, cheese, corn flour, wheat flour, oil, rice, coffee, toilet paper, diapers, laundry […]
Underground Church – An Interview by Adam Roberts
As a guest on Go Forth, with Adam Roberts, I had the chance to be interviewed by Adam about Orthodoxy in the United States, and Underground Church in dark times. Here are links to these interviews. Adams’ interview was enjoyable, he’s a great broadcast host, and Go Forth is a great podcast. I was honored to […]
Zombie Pandemic Training is Back at the DOD
The US Department of Defense is using an animated online course about a zombie pandemic to teach active-duty military nurses about population health. There are actual Pentagon guidelines for a zombie outbreak as well. Do they know something we don’t? Military nurses studying for their doctorate at the Uniformed Services University of the Healthcare Sciences […]
“It Depends On You”
The final interview, and final warning, of George Orwell. Don’t let it happen.
America’s Founding Changed Human History Forever
This is my grandson’s first Independence Day as well. And we have no excuse for not passing on its singular importance to the next generation. by Charles C. W. Cooke Today is my son’s first Independence Day. He doesn’t know that, of course, because he’s only three-and-a-half months old. But my wife and I do, and […]
Scientists Could Patent the Genetic Blueprint for a Human
Three weeks ago, scientists announced a controversial plan to create synthetic human genomes from scratch. The paper — which they published following reports about a private, off-the-record meeting — outlined an ambitious plan to build human genomes with various, medically relevant properties, like ones that are immune to cancer. But the overall description of the […]
Statement of the Holy Synod of the OCA on Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs Regarding Marriage
The following statement was approved by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America during a session of the Holy Synod on June 16, 2016 at Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery in Rives Junction, MI. It is approved for posting and use by all dioceses, parishes, institutions and monasteries of […]
An Infant’s Burial
by Fr. Steven Kostoff Fr. Steven Kostoff, Rector of Christ the Savior / Holy Spirit Church, Cincinnati, OH, recently posted to his congregation some reflections on the burial of a newborn child. They speak eloquently to this tragic yet thoroughly Paschal event. We include portions of them here for their pastoral sensitivity and their illustration of […]
U.S. Bill of Rights – the Bane of Socialism
For those with a substandard elementary education, the Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution. The Bill of Rights is a list of limits on government power. For example, what the Founders saw as the natural right of individuals to speak and worship freely was protected by the First Amendment’s […]
A Letter to First Things Editor R. R. Reno
Dr. Reno; I take exception to your publication’s latest anti-Russian Orthodox article: “The Pan-Orthodox Council Must and Will Proceed“ by Deacon John Chryssavgis and Professor Paul L. Gavrilyuk: It was bad enough that you declined to publish the “Open Letter” by Archpriest Victor Potapav, James J. Jatras, and yours truly intended as an initial rebuttal […]