About 36,000 churches have been built and restored during the recent hundred years in Russian Orthodox Church, head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk said. “According to the survived statistics, there were almost 79,000 Orthodox churches in the Russian Empire. Majority of them were destroyed or eliminated in the […]
Fire Bomb found in Youngstown Orthodox Church Social Hall
The Youngstown arson investigator is collecting evidence following the discovery of a fire bomb thrown through the window of a church social hall. The so-called Molotov cocktail, which is usually a bottle of gasoline and burning rag, was discovered inside the hall behind the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church at 53 Laird Avenue. The church […]
The Irish-Egyptian Christian Connection
Ever wonder why Orthodox Christianity is growing so powerfully in Ireland? The Irish are getting back to their Orthodox roots!. Irish worker discovers ancient manuscript that links Irish church to Egypt. by Philip Kosloski In 2006 an Irish worker discovered an amazing find while digging in a bog with his backhoe at Fadden More. Sticking out […]
Workers Speak About Unusual Phenomena Around Holy Sepulchre
I have a friend who toured the Holy Sepulchre many years back. He was filming the whole thing, and he noticed nothing when he stepped inside the Sepulchre itself, but when he emerged, he noticed that his camera had inexplicably turned itself off. Since then, I’ve heard many such eyewitness accounts. Evidently, it is not […]
France: 5,000 Euro Fine for Bible Quote
A court has ordered a French politician to pay a fine of 5,000 euros for Bible quotes regarding homosexuality during an interview, reports Noticia Cristiana. In April 2014 former deputy of the French Parliament and leader of the Christian Democratic Party of France, seventy-year-old Christine Boutin, gave an interview to the journal “Charles” in which […]
Disasters Averted
By Srdja Trifkovic Last night’s divine surprise is important more for the many bad things that will not happen than for the good ones that may happen. That Donald Trump won in spite of his many blunders, and in spite of the mainstream media machine acting as an integral part of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, indicates […]
The Truth of Orthodox Anthropology
by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon Transfiguration plays a major role in understanding mankind, the reality and quality of freedom, and the intention of God in the creation of the Universe. Gregory the Theologian placed the synthetic —body and soul—quality of human existence in the larger context of the whole created order, within which he distinguished […]
The Gun Is Civilization
by Major L. Caudill, USMC (Ret) Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into […]
An Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholicism
by Fr. Josiah Trenham This excellent, well balanced, and thoroughly Orthodox lecture is called: An Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholicism and was given by Fr. Josiah Trenham and he is the Senior Pastor of of Saint Andrew Orthodox Church, Riverside, CA and the author of “Marriage and Virginity in St John Chrysostom.” VIDEO NO LONGER […]
Mike Rowe Advises a Fan
Mike Rowe isn’t going to tell his fans to vote this fall, but once you see why it will only make you respect him all the more. The country doesn’t need voters who have to be cajoled, enticed, or persuaded to cast a ballot. Wisdom. Let us attend. Mike Rowe, star of Dirty Jobs, recently received […]